Private services steam ahead with pharmacy technician PGD use

A private services provider has updated its service specifications to allow pharmacy technicians to use patient group directions (PGDs) ahead of the June 26 law change, as NHS services look set to lag behind.

Pharmadoctor is an independent medical agency that has “nothing to do with CPE”
James Stent

Read more by James Stent

James Stent joined C+D as a digital reporter in May 2023 from the South African human rights news agency GroundUp, where he was senior reporter and consultant editor.

Kate Bowie

Read more by Kate Bowie

Kate Bowie joined C+D as a digital reporter in August 2023 after graduating from a master’s in journalism at City, University of London. She began covering the primary care beat at the end of 2022, when she carried out several health investigations focused on staffing issues, NHS funding and health inequalities.

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